

12 products
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Challenge muscular endurance and sport-specific moves. Versatile conditioning tool for power, endurance, and strength programs. Works great as a singular conditioning tool, or used in pairs. ...
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• Đệm dày NBR (Thảm Studio) với cảm giác mềm mại thoáng mát.• Bề mặt dễ lau chùi vệ sinh• 26” x 65” (65 cm x 165 cm)• Độ dày 15 mm.
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This new take on the definitive training tool brings a stable base to myriads of muscular training options. Six available compact pairings offer a suite of complete body strengthening workout opti...
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Includes an easy to use hand pump. Helps to easily target torso and core musculature. Anti-burst construction to ensure safety. Material: Rubber Color options: Black/yellow, turquoise or pink. ...
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Used in sets of multiple sizes, almost any exercise can be appropriately loaded without the need to purchase dozens of heavy weights. Elastic structure allows for exercise with resistance from any ...
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Hard structure and resilient materials make for years of appropriate usage. Round knobby form built specifically for myofascial release techniques. Resilient materials and structure allow for long...